What Are Softeners? Understanding Hard Water and Why You Should Avoid Drinking It

If you live in an area with hard water, you’ve probably heard about water softeners. But what exactly are they, and why might you need one? More importantly, why should you consider an alternative like Paradise Bottled Water for your drinking needs?

What Is Hard Water?

Hard water is water that contains high levels of minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium. While these minerals aren’t necessarily harmful to your health in small quantities, they can create several issues in your home. You might notice spots on your dishes, buildup on your faucets, or that your soap doesn’t lather well. These are all signs of hard water.

How Do Water Softeners Work?

Water softeners are devices designed to remove calcium and magnesium from hard water, effectively “softening” it. They do this through a process called ion exchange, where the hard minerals are replaced with sodium or potassium ions. The result is water that’s gentler on your plumbing, appliances, and skin.

The Hidden Problem with Hard Water: Why You Shouldn’t Drink It

While hard water might be manageable for cleaning and bathing, it’s not ideal for drinking. Here’s why:

  1. Taste: Hard water often has a metallic or bitter taste due to its high mineral content, which can make it unpleasant to drink.
  2. Mineral Buildup: The minerals in hard water can build up in your body over time, potentially leading to health issues, particularly if you’re already consuming a mineral-rich diet.
  3. Impact on Appliances: Hard water can cause scale buildup in kettles, coffee makers, and other appliances, affecting their performance and longevity. This buildup can also end up in your beverages.

Why Bottled Water Is a Better Alternative

Rather than dealing with the hassle and expense of installing a water softener, consider the simpler solution: Paradise Bottled Water. Here’s why it’s a great alternative:

  • Pure and Refreshing: Our water is carefully filtered and purified to remove any impurities, including those pesky minerals found in hard water. The result? Water that tastes crisp, clean, and refreshing every time.
  • Convenient Delivery: We bring high-quality water right to your door, whether you’re at home or at the office. No more worrying about the state of your tap water or dealing with cumbersome filtration systems. With our water delivery service, you’ll always have access to fresh, pure water whenever you need it.
  • Health Benefits: Drinking pure water is essential for maintaining good health. With Paradise Bottled Water, you can be confident that you’re drinking water that supports your well-being, free from the excess minerals found in hard water.

How to Get Started

Switching to bottled water has never been easier. Simply sign up for our water delivery service and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your water is free from the downsides of hard water.


While water softeners can help manage hard water issues in your home, they’re not the best solution for drinking water. Instead, choose Paradise Bottled Water for a convenient, reliable, and delicious alternative. Say goodbye to the taste and potential health concerns of hard water, and enjoy the pure refreshment of bottled water delivered straight to your door. Are you ready to enjoy the hassle-free joy of automatic water delivery? Get started today by using our free online estimate questionnaire! We look forward to helping you stay hydrated!